Create a new role called PowerConnect
Add the required roles for each API
For ODATA Audit Log access check ‘Access to OData API Audit Log’
For EMEvent access check ‘Read Execution Manager Events’ and ‘Read Execution Manager Event Payload or Event Report’:
For Payroll related APIs check ‘View - Data Replication Configuration’ ‘View - Data Replication Proxy’ ‘View Current, View History - Employee Payroll Run Results’ ‘View - Employee Payroll Run Results.employeeRunResultsItems’ :
For Replication related APIs check ‘Employee Central Foundation OData API (read-only), Employee Central HRIS OData API (read-only), Employee Central Compound Employee API (restricted access), Admin access to MDF OData API, Access to Data Replication Monitor
Mass Export from Data Replication Monitor’
Click ‘Grant this role to…’