
The PowerConnect Cloud software can be installed as a standalone agent or as a Splunk Modular Input running on an on-premises Splunk Heavy Forwarder or Splunk Cloud:

Deployment Options


High Availability


Data Transformation and Mapping Support

Input Types


Yes - full clustering support with active active configuration

Supports high volume use cases - millions of events per day

Yes - user configurable field mapping and data transformation

All - supports both pull and push based inputs

Modular Input

No - not supported by the modular input framework

Supports low to medium volume use cases - up to 100k events per day


Pull - supports only pull based inputs

Standalone Installation

Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

Network Requirements

Pre-Installation Steps

sudo mkdir /opt/powerconnect

sudo groupadd powerconnect

sudo useradd -m -g powerconnect -d /opt/powerconnect powerconnect

sudo chown -R powerconnect:powerconnect /opt/powerconnect

Installation Steps

scp powerconnect-cloud-1.0.0.tgz <target-server>:/tmp

tar -zxvf powerconnect-cloud-1.0.0.tgz -C /opt/powerconnect

cd /opt/powerconnect

chmod +x bin/powerconnect.sh


Make a note of this secret as it’s required each time the PowerConnect Cloud Agent is started

bin/powerconnect.sh start

Splunk Cloud Installation

Installation Steps

Splunk On-Premises Installation

Installation Steps

SAP Cloud Foundry Installation

Installation Steps