KB 80 - Hybris Installation

KB 80 - Hybris Installation

KB 80 (Hybris): Hybris Installation

Category: Information

Priority: Normal

Category: Information

Priority: Normal

Platform: Hybris (NW)

Version: 1 from 23.03.2021


To complete the installation of the PowerConnect Netweaver Hybris agent complete the following steps:

  • Place the sap_powerconnect_java.war file in the Hybris installation directory: <HYBRIS Installation Directory>\hybris\bin\platform\tomcat\webapps

  • Restart the Hybris Server

  • PowerConnect will be deploy on startup

  • Then use a web browser to access the following URL: http://<HYBRIS_HOST>:<port>/sap_powerconnect_java/ui/index.html

  • Once connected, configure the HEC endpoint with the following details

    • HEC Key

    • Splunk HEC URL, which should be: http://<ip address or qualified domain>:8088

    • Splunk Index

    • Splunk Source, which should be: java:hybris

  • Test to confirm that the connection is successful. If it is not successful work with the Splunk administrator to ensure the endpoint was properly set up.

  • Then activate the desired data extraction parameters.

  • Input the provided license key.

  • Save the configuration. The data should be available in Splunk within the next several minutes.

Product version




PowerConnect [NW,S4HANA,S4HANA Cloud]

[Affected version from]

[Affected version to]

[SAP product version]



