Installing the PowerConnect Java Agent on SAP Cloud Connector
- 1 Overview
- 2 Installation
- 3 Configuration
- 3.1 Example configuration file
- 3.2 Linux
- 3.3 Windows
The PowerConnect Java agent can be used to monitor SAP Cloud Connector. SAP Cloud Connector is a software component that provides a secure and seamless connection between on-premises systems and cloud-based applications and services. It acts as a link between the internal network of an organization and the SAP Cloud Platform.
The PowerConnect Java agent is able to collect various logs and metrics from SAP Cloud Connector environments for monitoring, security and troubleshooting use cases.
To install the PowerConnect Java Cloud Connector edition on a Linux environment perform the following steps:
Obtain the PowerConnect Java Cloud Connector package
Login to the target server where the Cloud Connector software is running
Copy the package to a temporary location on the target server e.g.
scp powerconnect-java-cloud-connector.jar targethost:/tmp
Login to the target via SSH
ssh root@targethost
Create a directory where the PowerConnect Java Cloud Connector software will be installed e.g.
mkdir /opt/powerconnect
Copy the package to the target folder e.g.
cp /tmp/powerconnect-java-cloud-connector.jar /opt/powerconnect
Make sure the folder and package are readable by the user that runs SAP Cloud Connector e.g.
chown -R <sapuser>:<sapgroup> /opt/powerconnect
Follow the configuration steps below to configure the agent
To install the PowerConnect Java Cloud Connector edition on a Windows environment perform the following steps:
Obtain the PowerConnect Java Cloud Connector package
Login to the target server where the Cloud Connector software is running
Open the Command Prompt
Create a directory where the PowerConnect Java Cloud Connector software will be installed e.g.
mkdir e:\powerconnect
Copy the package to the target folder e.g.
copy e:\tmp\powerconnect-java-cloud-connector.jar e:\powerconnect
Follow the configuration steps below to configure the agent
The Cloud Connector software is secured and does allow for the deployment of apps (i.e. war files). Therefore we need to use the Java Agent mechanism to load the agent with a configuration file.
The configuration file is a simple properties file which supports the following values:
Property Name | Default Value | Required | Description |
sap_system_name | SCC | No | System identifier - this value will be sent with every event and will be mapped to the source field in Splunk. Defaults to scc |
instance_id | primary | No | Instance identifier - this value will be sent with every event. Used to distinguish different instances e.g primary and shadow in a HA configuration |
license_key |
| Yes | The license key for the PowerConnect Java agent to function |
splunk_hec_url |
| Yes | Splunk HEC url e.g. http://splunkhost:8088 |
splunk_hec_key |
| Yes | Splunk HEC token |
splunk_index | sap | No | Splunk Index where the PowerConnect Java agent data will be sent |
splunk_hec_retry | false | No | Enable retries for sending data to Splunk HEC |
splunk_hec_retry_count | 3 | No | Number of times to retry sending data to Splunk HEC |
splunk_hec_retry_interval | 10000 | No | Time to wait in milliseconds between Splunk HEC retries |
jmx_enabled | true | No | Enable JMX metrics collection |
jmx_interval | 60000 | No | JMX metrics collection frequency in milliseconds |
jmx_mbeans | java.lang:type=OperatingSystem;java.lang:type=Threading;java.lang:type=Memory;java.lang:type=ClassLoading;java.lang:type=Runtime | No | JMX Beans to collect separated by a semi colon. By default the agent will collect OS, Thread , Heap, Classloading and Runtime metrics |
thread_monitoring_enabled | false | No | Enable thread state and stack trace collection |
thread_monitoring_interval | 60000 | No | Thread state collection frequency in milliseconds |
disk_monitoring_enabled | false | No | Enable disk metrics collection |
disk_monitoring_interval | 60000 | No | Disk metrics collection frequency in milliseconds |
network_monitoring_enabled | false | No | Enable network metrics collection |
network_monitoring_interval | 60000 | No | Network metrics collection frequency in milliseconds |
ljstrace_monitoring_enabled | false | No | Enable ljstrace log collection |
ljstrace_monitoring_directory | ./log | No | Directory where ljstrace logs are being written |
ljstrace_monitoring_header | time,severity,logger,thread,connection_id,text | No | ljstrace log header |
ljstrace_monitoring_filefilter | ljs_trace.log | No | lsjstrace log filename pattern |
httpaccess_monitoring_enabled | false | No | Enable http access log collection |
httpaccess_monitoring_directory | ./log | No | Directory where http access logs are being written |
httpaccess_monitoring_header | ip,thread_name,user,timestamp,request_uri,status,bytes_sent,response_time | No | http access log header |
httpaccess_monitoring_filefilter | localhost_http_access_.* | No | http acces log filename pattern |
Example configuration file
The following configuration file enables jmx, ljstrace log and http access log monitoring.
Note - all values must be surrounded in double quotes