Create a Splunk Role

Create a Splunk Role

Create a role in Splunk that allows you to access the SAP-specific index previously created.

  • Click on “Settings” and on “Roles”.

  • Create a new role by clicking on “New Role”.

  • Provide a name that fits to its usage, in this case we chose “sap”.

  • In the following sections leave the default settings.

  • Assign the index created before.

  • Make the role “included” and “default”.

  • Assign the role to the PowerConnect App.

  • Save” the role.


Next step would be to create an access user which makes use of the role created. If you already have a user that can inherit the role, you can skip this step and continue with installing the PowerConnect program in SAP AS ABAP or S/4HANA or SAP AS Java.

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