Configuring a PowerConnect Cloud Cluster

Configuring a PowerConnect Cloud Cluster


The PowerConnect Cloud agent can be run in a cluster. Hazelcast is used as the clustering technology. The agents in a cluster communicate and share configuration and scheduling information through a distributed shared memory grid. If an agent in the cluster becomes unavailable due to a failure or planned downtime, other agents in the cluster can assume the workload and continue to collect and process existing events and metrics.

Clustering the PowerConnect Cloud agent allows for:

  1. High availability - if one of the PowerConnect Cloud agents fails, the others in the cluster can continue to collect and process events and metrics

  2. Scalability - the PowerConnect Cloud agents in the cluster can share the workload to allow for high volume event and metric collection


  • TCP port 5701 open between PowerConnect agent hosts


To configure the PowerConnect Cloud agent as part of a cluster do the following:

  • Install the PowerConnect Cloud Agent as per the installation instructions

  • On each host where the PowerConnect Cloud agent is installed:

    • Set the environment variable POWERCONNECT_MEMBERS to a comma separated list of ip addresses and ports where the PowerConnect Agents will/are running. For example if you have two PowerConnect Cloud agents running on hosts with ip addresses and and port 5701 you would set the POWERCONNECT_MEMBERS variable as follows:

    • Restart the PowerConnect Cloud Agent on each host:
      /opt/powerconnect/bin/powerconnect.sh restart

    • Login to the PowerConnect Cloud Agent web UI and you will see each member of the cluster in the Dashboard under the Cluster section e.g:

  • The first PowerConnect Cloud Agent to start (i.e. the oldest) is the primary cluster member. All members will sync their configuration from this host.

  • If the primary node goes down, another member in the cluster will take over the role


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