BGRFC_PERFMON - Background RFC Performance Monitor
BGRFC_PERFMON - Background RFC Performance Monitor
Data Description
The BGRFC_PERFMON event is used to analyze various pieces of data about the state of bgRFC runtime. These include the total number of units, the number of units with types Q and T, the number of units with the state SYSFAIL (system error), the number of executable units with the types Q and T, and the date and time of the longest running unit.
Potential Use Cases
This event could be used in the following scenarios:
To find & analyze longest running units of bgRFC
Identify and alert about the units with the state SYSFAIL (system error)
To find and analyze the number of units with types Q and T
SAP Navigation
Log into the managed SAP system and execute the transaction SBGRFCPERFMON to display bgRFC performance data.
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