Gateway Server Logs

Gateway Server Logs

Data Description

The PowerConnect Java agent is able to extract the Gateway logs from the SAP Central Services instance. This data can be leveraged for monitoring and troubleshooting use cases.

Important: This extractor will only work if you have a SAP Netweaver Java node installed on the same host as the SCS instance.

Potential Use Cases

This event could be used in the following scenarios:

  • Alert on Gateway errors

  • Alert on Gateway restarts/failures

PowerConnect Administrative Console Configuration

Important: These settings require a restart of the PowerConnect Java Agent

  • Log into the PowerConnect administrative console via the following URL (http://<serverhost>:<port>/powerconnect-java/index.html).

  • Then click on the Overview tab on the left. The screen will look like the screenshot below. Ensure that Logs is checked under Gateway Server and click Save.

  • Restart the PowerConnect Java Agent


The gateway log events will look like this :



Advanced Gateway Log Configuration

Important: These settings require a restart of the PowerConnect Java Agent. Please consult support before making changes to these settings.

The Gateway Log settings for log directory, filename filters and the log header can all be adjusted:

  • Log into the PowerConnect administrative console via the following URL (http://<serverhost>:<port>/powerconnect-java/index.html).

  • Then click on the Gateway Server tab on the left



Below is the list of configuration options presented in the Gateway Log tab



Restart of PowerConnect Required




Restart of PowerConnect Required



Enable / Disable the Gateway Log extractor



Log Directory

Directory on the filesytem where the Gateway logs are stored. This directory will be on the host that runs the Central Services instance. The variable $scs-instance-name$ can be used to represent the SCS instance name



Log Header

Comma separated list of field names which are mapped to each line in the log



Log Filter

Regex pattern matching Gateway log filenames



SAP Central Services host and instance configuration (advanced)

Important: Please contact support before modifying the settings below

By default the PowerConnect Java Agent will try to discover the host and instance name running the SAP Central Services, which in turn runs the Gateway Server. It does this by querying the profile parameters of the SAP Netweaver system. If for some reason the discovered host or instance number is not correct the settings can be overridden

  • Log into the PowerConnect administrative console via the following URL (http://<serverhost>:<port>/powerconnect-java/index.html).

  • Then click on the Central Services tab on the left

  • The default values for the SCS Host and SCS Instance Name are “auto” (i.e. auto discover). Change these as required and click Save

  • Restart the PowerConnect Java agent for settings to take effect

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