KB 149 - Metric extension functionality

KB 149 - Metric extension functionality

KB 149 (ABAP): Metric extension functionality

Category: Problem/Information/Recommendation

Priority: Normal

Category: Problem/Information/Recommendation

Priority: Normal

Platform: ABAP/SAP Cloud

Version: 1 from 26.03.2021


Starting from PowerConnect SP 6.04, it is possible to enhance metrics with custom fields based on simple conditions. The configuration is available via Administrator->Setup Metric->Metric Extensions menu option.

Metrics which needs to be enhanced defined on the left side of the screen:

Group Definition: name of the metric;

Sub Group Definition: subgroup which should be enhanced;

Field name: custom field name (actual field in Splunk will have ‘PC_’ prefix, i.e. PRIORITY->PC_PRIORITY);

Description: free text/comment to define the reason;

Active: flag to switch on/off the setup;

After necessary fields are added, it is possible to define values based on simple conditions by double-click on the necessary record/field.

In the sample case above, custom field PRIORITY (will receive PC_PRIORITY name on Splunk side) could have two values: “Low” and “High”. Conditions for each of them needs to be defined by clicking on Condition button:

It is possible to use any fields which are available within the selected group definition/event. For instance, on the screen above field JOBNAME is used, which is available in SM37 event. Operator dropdown has two options: ‘AND’ and ‘OR’. In case ‘AND’ is selected, all conditions will be considered together (all should match), ‘OR’ operator is used when any of conditions is acceptable.

Field Name: field name of the event;

Sign: Include (I) or Exclude (E) condition;

Option: compare option, one of options below:




Equal: True, if the content of operand1 matches the content of operand2.


Not Equal: True, if the content of operand1 does not match the content of operand2.


Lower Than: True, if the content of operand1 is smaller than the content of operand2.


Greater Than: True, if the content of operand1 is greater than the content of operand2.


Lower Equal: True, if the content of operand1 is lower than or equal to the content of operand2.


Greater Equal: True, if the content of operand1 is greater than or equal to the content of operand2.


Match a pattern


Patter not matching




Not between

Lower limit: value to compare with

Upper limit: value to compare with as the high limit in the range;

After the conditions are maintained, all events which match to the defined conditions will receive appropriate value. According to the sample configuration, jobs with prefix /BNWVS/ will get new field PC_PRIORITY with value “High”.

Values with no conditions defined has lowest priority and will be used if none of others values are applicable to the event.

Event on Splunk side:


Product version




PowerConnect NW,S4HANA,S4HANA Cloud

