KB 118 - Remove PowerConnect Extractor

KB 118 - Remove PowerConnect Extractor

KB 118 (ABAP) - Remove PowerConnect Extractor

Category: Information

Priority: Normal

Category: Information

Priority: Normal

Platform: ABAP

Version: 1 from 23.03.2021


There may be some instances in which you may need to remove a PowerConnect extractor from the PowerConnect administrative console in the ABAP system. To remove an extractor from the PowerConnect configuration please follow the steps below:

  • Log into the system where the PowerConnect application is installed. Execute the /n/bnwvs/main transaction, and click on the buttons below to stop the PowerConnect batch jobs

  • Confirm the batch jobs have stopped running. The PowerConnect administrative console should look like this.

  • Then go to Administrator → Setup Group Def.

  • Then go to the extractor that you would like to remove from the configuration. Highlight the row, and select the Active checkbox, so that it is empty. Save.

  • Then once again go to the extractor that you would like to remove from the configuration. Highlight the row, and select the Delete Row button. Save.

  • Return to the home page of the PowerConnect administrative console. Then go to Administrator → Setup Task Group.

  • Then go to the extractor you would like to remove from the configuration. Highlight the row and select the Delete Row button. Save.

  • Then return to the PowerConnect administrative console, and select the buttons below to restart the PowerConnect batch jobs.

  • The PowerConnect administrative console should match the screen below once the batch jobs have successfully restarted.

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